El negocio de la danza
(En español) Para que una obra de arte sea disfrutada y valorada por la mayor cantidad de personas —incluso por las grandes masas— es imposible desligarla del negocio. No digo
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) – in the arts? SDG 16- Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions.
In the performing art sector, sustainability development rest on the capability of the cultural leaders to understand how the ‘art’ and its cultural composition can serve as a
Be different and you’ll be recognised
Porter’s (1980, 1985) generic strategies -cost leadership, differentiation and focus- are considered a prevailing paradigm within the business strategy literature (Charles 19
Climate action & Dance
Climate change (CC) is, without a doubt, one of the biggest challenges the human species has ever faced (Howard-Grenville et al., 2014). From Schaefer et al. (2020, pp. 642-675) st
Have you look into your organisation’s PROFIT?
Have you looked into your organisation’s PROFIT analysis? Resource Analysis, and how to carry one out is this blog topic. Let me show you how to do a resource analysis for yo
The quickest way to introduce you to SWOT and Balanced Scorecard
SWOT Analysis: A common tool used in business studies and workplace contexts is the well-known SWOT analysis. SWOT can inform action and business development and help implement st
Sustainable Development Goals & the Arts SDG 15 – Life on Land – The Planet, the Arts & Stakeholder’s Value Creation
The concept of stakeholders is widely known as the theory that includes all parties that somehow can be influenced by an “organisation’s objective” (Freeman 1984
Shall we discuss concepts of Information Governance (IG) and Information Security (IS) and their importance in information management to your organisation?
A strong governance network is an essential part of the success of any company. As information governance (IG) can have a broad definition, this literature review will narrow it
Your mission and vision statement – a big pile of clutter
Your Mission and Vision statements – a big pile of clutter Since I started my business study journey, I have always encountered the terms Purpose statements, Mission statemen
Finding the best possible solutions
Creating a startup business or managing a new idea that you believe has some potential is about problem-solving and strategic planning. Some people are good at it, and some are jus